West Coast Frame Tents

At Party Tents Direct, our West Coast frame tent is one of our most popular items - that’s because it’s so versatile. 

The West Coast frame system was designed to improve tent availability because it creates a common denominator. When you use a West Coast frame tent, you get the most out of the same base pool of components, meaning you can use the same base set in a bunch of different ways!

Versatility of the West Coast Frame Tent 

The pieces of a West Coast frame tent are so versatile that, when you’re creating a tent corner or side tee fitting, they can be used for small tents - as small as 8x8 - and big tents - as big as 40x300. 

You no longer have to worry about investing in a number of tents to suit differently sized parties. Instead, use the West Coast frame tent and adjust its size to the event you’re hosting - the parts and fittings are compatible with a wide range of sizes. 

Why Are They Compatible?

The reason that West Coast frame tents are compatible with all sorts of tent sizes is because they share a common attachment method. They have holes drilled into the frame tubing and fittings at the same length, allowing practical use for multiple installations. 

They’re Interchangeable, Too

The fittings and parts aren’t the only versatile component of the West Coast frame tent. The top of the frame also allows for interchangeability - there’s a common denominator between all parts, so if you’d like to use a different top than the one that’s included with the tent, you don’t have to purchase an entirely new frame. Just use the top that you’d like and make the necessary adjustments! 

The versatility and interchangeability of the West Coast frame tent saves time and money for our customers, which is something we place significant value on. 

Using Frame Tents

Frame tents can be used for all sorts of occasions. They’ll keep your guests dry and warm inside a spacious area during a wedding reception, graduation party, or business luncheon. They can also be used for outdoor flea markets. The sophisticated and eye-catching top of the tent will attract customers and also provide a sheltered, comfortable place to browse. 

All in all, there’s not much a West Coast frame tent can’t do. 

Check out what we offer at Party Tents Direct and invest in your frame tent today!